Aliancia Človek (Human)
Trpaslík (Dwarf)
Škriatok (Gnome)
Nočný Elf (Night Elf)
Drainei (Draenei) → v datadisku The Burning Crusade
Vlkodlak (Worgen) → v datadisku Cataclysm
Horda Ork(Orc)Trol (Troll)Nemŕtvy (Undead)Býk (Tauren)
Krvavý Elf (Blood Elf) → v datadisku The Burning Crusade
Goblin (Goblin) → v datadisku Cataclysm
Človek vo World of Warcraft je zasadený v Northshire Abbey v tzv. Elwynn Foreste.Medzi jeho veľké výhody patrí schopnosť diplomacie a výrečnosti.Počas I. aj II. vojny proti Orkom boli na strane Aliancie čím si vyslužili uznanie od ostatných členov Aliancie.
Přehled komentářů
Hi friends, try this server
-- 20+ Own custom dungeons(Emerald Dream dungeon, Diablo Lord of Teror dung and other)
-- Own items, item designs in all dungeons, about 15000 new items
-- About 1000+ custom added quests
-- Events and event rewards every day(about 10-30events/day)
-- Hopsa jumps and other attractions
-- Battlegrounds with custom spells
-- Friendly GM team
-- PvP ranks and PvP working
-- 3xAntihacks, Anti-Wpe, Anti-Spam, Anti-Flood, Anti-dos, Anti-Farm
-- TBC macro bugs fixed
-- Teleporter npc, teleporter spawner item
-- Arena Items, PvP items, PvE items, Event Items, Legendary Q items
-- Server working more than 10 years
-- Every day new updates, changes and new items.
-- Uptime 5d+ sometimes nightly restarts for new things
Web - Manager, password recovery, online players, status, Armory, PsychoHead ( Wowhead of server), Ban checker, Userbar, Guild list, Top 100 players and other statistics
You are Welcome, your PsychoFUN Team :)
WOW TBC 2.4.3 Fun server PSYCHOFUN
(www.psychofun.cz, 4. 12. 2022 18:56)